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Whom to Contact

B'nai Jeshurun Congregation is proud to be a "warm and welcoming" community. Below is a list of staff/voluteers who look forward to speaking with you. Volunteers are denoted with an *.  The synagogue phone number is (216) 831-6555 then dial the appropriate extension listed next to the staff member's name. A staff directory, listed by name and title, can be found here.

If you are having difficulty reaching a staff member/volunteer, or wish to speak to someone about a topic not listed below, please contact Executive Director Jay Ross (x107) at any time.   

Address Change Julie Berman x102
Baby Naming & Brit Milah Scheduling Diane Dronzek x104 
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Receptions Joscelyn Harris x105
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Scheduling Julie Berman x102
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutoring Julie Berman x102
Bequests Lorna Siegal x132
Board President Scott Matasar*
Cantor Alyssa Rosenbaum-
Schedule an appointment
Julie Berman x102
Catering Joscelyn Harris x105
Cemetery Paula Botkin x109
Chesed (Community Service Group) Rachel Schwarz
Contributions- Annual Fund (Mahar) Joscelyn Harris x105
Contributions- Planned Giving & Major Gifts Lorna Siegal x132
Contributions- Tribute Donations Julie Berman x102
Courtyard Pavers and Dedications Lorna Siegal x132
Credit Card Payments Joscelyn Harris  x105
Deaths and Funerals Diane Dronzek x104
Dues Questions Jay Ross x107
Early Childhood Programming Julie Sukert x125
Endowment Campaign Lorna Siegal x132
Fund Raising and Development Initiatives Lorna Siegal x132
Gift Shop Email
Gross High School Rabbi Josh Foster x124 
Hazak (Senior Adult Group) Shani Kadis X131
Heinens Gift Cards Joscelyn Harris x105 
High Holiday Tickets & Seating Joscelyn Harris x105
Hospital Visits Diane Dronzek x104
Kashrut Rules and Hechshers Kashrut Guidelines 
Libraries Rafi Simon x114 
Membership Shani Kadis x131 
Memorial Plaques &
Golden Book of Remembrance
Diane Dronzek x104
Men's Club Mike Barson/Eric Schechtman
Minyan Schedule This Week's Worship Schedule 
Mishaberach List Diane Dronzek x104
Mishpachot (Birth to 6 yr Group) Julie Sukert x125
Newsletters (Tidings & Shul News)
Submissions & Ads
Diane Dronzek x104
Programs and Events Shani Kadis x131
Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria- Schedule an appointment Diane Dronzek x104
Religious School Rabbi Josh Foster x124 or
Sara Kaminski x123
Room Reservations Joscelyn Harris x105
Sisterhood Laurel Sheldon
Sponsorship-Minyan Breakfast Diane Dronzek x104
Sponsorship - Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Joscelyn Harris x105
Sunshine Committee Shani Kadis X131
Tovim (Minyan Volunteers) Charlie Gruenspan
Unveilings Diane Dronzek x104
Volunteer at the Synagogue Shani Kadis x131
Wedding Officiant Contact the clergy 
Wedding Scheduling at the Synagogue Joscelyn Harris  x105
Worship Schedule This Week's Worship Schedule
Yahrzeits Diane Dronzek x104
Youth Groups (Jr. Kadima, Kadima & USY) Rabbi Josh Foster x124
Full staff directory  


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785