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We are a Warm and Welcoming Conservative Congregation In Pepper Pike, Ohio



Thank you for visiting our streaming page. We are delighted to be able to make the stream and archive of our services, classes and lectures available to you. We know that there are many watching our stream around the world, though we do not know who you are. You do not need to, but if you would like to drop a note letting us know where you are, how you found our stream and your thoughts regarding what you view, we would love to hear from you! 

With the support of a generous donor, the synagogue is now streaming programs and services from The David J. & Ruth A. Moskowitz Sanctuary, Halpern Hall, Linden Courtyard and Nickman Chapel. If you are sick, out of town, or just unable to attend services, with the click of a button you can now watch our services live, or at your convenience in our archives. In addition to Shabbat services, we will be able to stream other services and events in the sanctuary as interest and funding permit. Thank you to our generous donor for supporting B'nai Jeshurun, and sponsorship opportunities are available to support future streaming activities. With your support and generosity everyone can enjoy services anytime of the day or night! 


Streaming for Shabbat & weekday minyan


Click the room at the right to listen to live services and selected special events.

Our daily minyan can be found in our Nickman Chapel.

Friday night services are normally in our Nickman Chapel; during the summer they will be in our Linden Courtyard weather permitting. 

Saturday morning services  are held in our David J. & Ruth A. Moskowitz Sanctuary.
Saturday afternoon mincha services take place in our Nickman Chapel.  


To access pdfs of the prayer books, please visit our Minyan/Shabbat page.  
Please note they are for personal use only!

If you are interested in viewing any archived files, please contact Jay Ross.

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785