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Join us to commemorate the giving of the Torah
as we study, pray and rejoice.

Multiple Sessions featuring 30+ Presenters from Northeast Ohio.

Everyone attending in person can PRE-REGISTER ONLINE by May 23 at noon
(walk-ins are welcome, but you will need to register when you arrive.)


All sessions will be in person
See the FLIER to view the complete list of
session times, teachers and topics.

Session 1 - 7:00-7:45 pm
Kevin Adelstein, Publisher & CEO Cleveland, Columbus & Akron Jewish News: A “Free” Press -Today’s News Landscape -
        Gottlieb Auditorium
• Samantha Baskind, CSU Professor of Art History: Rembrandt & the Jews in 17th-Century Amsterdam - 
Stream Halpern Hall
• Halli Kiwi, Certified Yoga Instructor: Torah Yoga (bring a yoga mat or we will provide one) - Classroom 24
• Rabbi Bec Richman, Torah Scribe: Torah in our Hands: Scribing our Way to Shavuot (materials will be provided) -
        Rosenthal Auditorium
• Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Assoc. Professor of Jewish Thought, Ben Gurion University: 
        Mountains Hanging on a String: on the Two Torahs
        Offered in partnership with CWRU’s Siegal Lifelong Learning ProgramStream Moskowitz Sanctuary
• Abe Socher, Editor, Jewish Review of Books: Learning Torah in the Womb with Humphrey Bogart - Classroom 20/22
Cantor Aaron ShifmanRabbinic & Talmudic Lessons from the Animal Kingdom - Stream Nickman Chapel

Session 2 - 7:50-8:35 pm
• Professor Doron Kalir, CSU College of Law: Two Beginnings? The Two Versions of Beresheet - Classroom 20/22
• Rabbi David Komerofsky, Temple Israel, Canton: A Jewish Understanding of Christian Pentecost - 
Moskowitz Family Learning Lab
Jay Leberman, Head of School, Joseph & Florence Mandel JDS: The Rise of Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel - 
Stream Nickman Chapel
• Rabbi Melinda Mersack, Director, jHUB: Interfaith Families - Just Like Moses - Classroom 21/23
Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose, President & CEO, Mandel JCC: The Deepest Torah: A Zoharic Understanding - 
     (2nd Source Sheet: Zohar Intro) -    Stream Moskowitz Sanctuary
• Cantor Alyssa Rosenbaum, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation: Musical Parshah Snapshots - Stream Halpern Hall
Yoshi Silverstein, Executive Director, Mitsui Collective: Embodied Torah: Receiving the Wisdom of our Bodies - 
        Gottlieb Auditorium

8:35 pm - Candle Lighting

Session 3 - 8:40-9:25 pm
• Mark Freiman, Community Jewish Educator: Pesach to Shavuot - A Deeper Understanding - Classroom 21/23
Rabbi Peter Haas, Abba Hillel Silver Professor Emeritus, CWRU: Israel Update - Stream Nickman Chapel
Rabbi Shalom Plotkin, Owner of Right at Home: Kibud Av V’em: Respecting Our Parents - Classroom 20/22
Rabbi Scott Roland, Congregation Shaarey Tikvah: Even if our Mouths Could Fill with Song: Singing our Way to Sinai - 
        Gottlieb Auditorium
• Rabbi Michael Ross, Temple Beth Shalom, Hudson & Hillel at Kent State: Exploring Revelation in Exodus
Stream Halpern Hall
Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation:  Judaism's Quest for Knowledge, Discovery & AI Stream Moskowitz Sanctuary

9:30 pm - Ma'ariv Festival Evening Service - Stream Moskowitz Sanctuary
10:00 pm - Dessert Grand Buffet

Session 4 - 10:30-11:15 pm
• Rabbi Noah Bickart, Mandel Chair in Jewish Studies, John Carroll: Lashes of Fire: A Talmudic Metaphor for Power 
        Gottlieb Auditorium           
Rabbi Rachel Davidson, Chaplain, VA Hospital: Pikuach Nefesh-Saving a Life: Sources and History
        Stream Nickman Chapel
• Sarah Foster, Senior Manager, Cleveland Hillel Foundation: Receiving Torah Today & Claiming Ownership
Classroom 20/22
Ginny Galili, Head of School, Gross Schechter Day School: Evidence is in: How Jewish Living Increases Well-Being - 
Stream Moskowitz Sanctuary
Cheryl Gordon, Community Jewish Educator: Weird Jewish Practices and Helpful Curses - schedule change
Stream Halpern Hall
• Rabbi Lauren Werber, Temple B'nai Abraham: Does Prayer Work? - Moskowitz Family Learning Lab

Session 5 - 11:20-12:05 am
• Rabbi Jeremy Bruce, Executive Director, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy (North America): Rabbi Sacks' 7 Principles of Leadership
Gottlieb Auditorium 
• Rabbi Josh Foster, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation: Establishing a Jewish Worldview: Guiding Principles of the Rabbis  - 
        Stream Halpern Hall
• Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation: Midnight Hike to Mt. Sinai (outdoors - dress appropriately) - 
Meet at main entrance for outdoor hike 
• Rabbi Steve Segar, Kol HaLev: Evolution of What it Means to be “Created in the Image of G-d” Stream Nickman Chapel

12:10 am - 3:30 am - Breakfast Bar

Session 6 - 12:10-12:55 am
• Rabbi Chase Foster, jHUB: Piecing Revelation TogetherStream Halpern Hall

Session 7 - 1:00-1:55 am
Elise Braverman-Plotkin, Community Jewish Educator: "And Tzedakah Will Save from Death"Stream Halpern Hall

Session 8 - 2:00-2:55 am
Rabbi Rachel Brown, Executive Director, Camp Timbrel: Adorning the Bride with Jewels of Torah -  (2nd Source Sheet
Stream Halpern Hall

Session 9 - 3:00-3:55 am
Dr. Dale Levy, Past President, Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs KIO : Does G-d Speak to Us? How Do We Know? - 
Stream Halpern Hall

4:00 am - Kabbalistic Mystical Wedding
4:30 am - Sunrise Shacharit Festival Service


Live streaming available for the following classes below.


7:00 pm: Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Assoc. Professor of Jewish Thought, Ben Gurion University: 
        Mountains Hanging on a String: on the Two Torahs 
        Offered in partnership with CWRU’s Siegal Lifelong Learning Program
7:50 pm: Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose, President & CEO, Mandel JCC: The Deepest Torah: A Zoharic Understanding 
8:40 pm: Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation: The Jewish Pursuit of Knowledge: Torah, AI & Discovery 
9:30 pm: Ma'ariv Festival Evening Service
10:30 pm: Ginny Galili, Head of School, Gross Schechter Day School: Evidence is in: How Jewish Living Increases Well-Being


7:00 pm: Samantha Baskind, CSU Professor of Art History: Rembrandt & the Jews in 17th-Century Amsterdam
7:50 pm: Cantor Alyssa Rosenbaum, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation: Musical Parshah Snapshots
8:40 pm: Rabbi Michael Ross, Temple Beth Shalom, Hudson & Hillel at Kent State: Exploring Revelation in Exodus
10:30 pm: Cheryl Gordon, Community Jewish Educator: Weird Jewish Practices and Helpful Curses - schedule change
11:20 am: Rabbi Josh Foster, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation: Establishing a Jewish Worldview: Guiding Principles of the Rabbis
12:10 am: Rabbi Chase Foster, jHUB: Piecing Revelation Together
1:00 am: Elise Braverman-Plotkin, Community Jewish Educator: "And Tzedakah Will Save from Death"
2:00 am: Rabbi Rachel Brown, Executive Director, Camp Timbrel: 
        Tikkun Leil Shavuot in the Zohar: The Teaching and their Effect
3:00 am: 
Dr. Dale Levy, Past President, Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs KIO : Does G-d Speak to Us? How Do We Know?


7:00 pm: Cantor Aaron ShifmanRabbinic & Talmudic Lessons from the Animal Kingdom
7:50 pm: Jay Leberman, Head of School, Joseph & Florence Mandel JDS: The Rise of Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel
8:40 pm: Rabbi Peter Haas, Abba Hillel Silver Professor Emeritus, CWRU: Israel Update
10:30 pm: Rabbi Rachel Davidson, Chaplain, VA Hospital: Pikuach Nefesh-Saving a Life: Sources and History
11:20 pm: Rabbi Steve Segar, Kol HaLev: Evolution of What it Means to be “Created in the Image of G-d”

See the FLIER to view the complete list of classes and presenters.


Community-Wide Tikkun Leil Shavuot Committee
Harriet Rosenberg Mann - Chair
Richard Berkowitz - Vice Chair
Senior Rabbi Hal Rudin - Luria - B'nai Jeshurun Congregation
Rabbi Josh Foster - B'nai Jeshurun Congregation
Shani Kadis - Membership & Programming Director, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation

Sponsored by:


and the
Estelle and Dr. Milton Rosenbergז Tikkun Leil Study Session Fund.

Thank you to our co-sponsors!
Click logos below to view their websites and
for additional Shavuot programs.






Thank you to our friend supporters for their generous donations.

Support for the community-wide Tikkun Leil Shavuot Program is greatly appreciated.
Donations should be designated for the Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study Session Fund and made
c/o B'nai Jeshurun Congregation, 27501 Fairmount Blvd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124 or go to

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784