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We are a Warm and Welcoming Conservative Congregation In Pepper Pike, Ohio



VOLUNTEER here or there,
you can VOLUNTEER anywhere!

Purim is just around the corner, and we would love for you to lend a hand to help us hold the most
memorable, magical Purim Carnival in town!
Click HERE to learn more!


Join our CHESED Kindness Crew on Sunday, March 2, as we assemble mishloach manot and bake hamantashen.
Register to volunteer HERE!


Celebrate Purim at King David Nursing & Rehabilitation
(formerly Menorah Park). 
Monday, March 3 
3:00 pm

This time, we will be visiting our members who are residents at Deer Creek Lodge (formerly Wiggins),
for a Purim celebration with hamantashen, a "Sunshine Spiel", and more.
A shuttle will be available to transport those residing at Wiggins or Myers on request.
This program is sponsored by the Nedra and Morton Rotsky Sunshine Fund.


Thursday, March 13 - Ta'anit Esther (The Fast of Esther)

5:30 PM
Abracadabra, it's time to play, on this special Purim day. Join us for magic and have dinner too, hear the megillah with Thing 1 and Thing 2!
Register online.

6:30 PM
Red fish, yellow fish, blue fish megillah. Spin the gragger for Haman the mean old fella. Wear a costume and have some fun. Afterwards, there'll be hamantashen for everyone.
Learn more.

7:30 PM
Why, we can have lots of good fun if you wish! Music & bingo, it's quite a fun twist.
Learn more.

7:30 PM
Let's read the megillah, let's read every word. It's not a full mitzvah if the story's not heard. Spin the gragger when you hear Haman's name, you'll have a lot of fun and be glad you came.


9:00 PM
It's a simple game where you get 5 in a row and if you win, you yell "Bingo". Put it to music and make it more fun, we're sure you'll be singing, just like everyone.
Learn more.


7:00 AM
Megillah and minyan, it's quite a good pair. The story of Esther is what you will hear. Breakfast will follow, so don't run away. Enjoy a bagel and hamantash, and make it a good day.
Learn more.


10:30 AM
Hop on pop, it's time for a parade, as we celebrate and sing on this fun holiday. You'll make your own challah, and have hamantashen too. Sing along with Mr. Chuck, we can't wait to see you!


40S & 50S KICK-OFF

Saturday, March 15
8:30-11:30 pm
(Doors open at 8:15)
B'nai Jeshurun
27501 Fairmount Blvd, Pepper Pike

COST: $25 pp
Online registration will close Thursday, March 13
WALK INS WELCOME: Cost at the door - $30

BUST A MOVE at our '80s/ '90s party with others who might have a secret stash of
Beanie Babies, Swatch watches and acid wash jeans. 

We are turning back the clock, and it’s going to be all that and a bag of chips. 
So dust off your  80's/ 90s best, and start practicing your running man, Roger rabbit and sprinkler. 

DJ, games, 2 drink tix, munchies, and a night of memories... new and old.




Sunday, March 16
(If you need assistance, contact Shani Kadis. We want every child to be able to have fun and celebrate Purim!)

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
So, come to the carnival at BJC, play games and win prizes, it'll be a fun day indeed!
This is a carnival you won’t want to miss! 

Our carnival will begin at 11:30 am following our kids' spiel.



Purchase your 50//50 Raffle Tickets and support our Youth & Learning Center.
Tickets are $4 each or 6 for $20.

Winners will be drawn at the Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 16.
(You do not need to be present to win.)

Tickets can be purchased online HERE, at the carnival, 
or contact Sara Kaminski.

We will draw the winner at the end of our Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 24.
(You do not need to be present to win.)


Spotlight Educator
Exploring the Layers of Purim Through Text with Rabbi Jeremy Markiz
Thursdays, January 23 – March 6 at 7:30 pm
(no class February 13)

Megillat Esther is somewhere between farce and fable, a story of palace intrigue and dangerous survival.
Purim itself is all about the hidden and revealed, a world that is upside down.
In this six-session series, we’ll explore the texts that accompany the Purim story
and try to unravel the wisdom beneath the surface. Zoom only. Contact synagogue for password.

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785